2014 Goals and Guesses

01/01/2014 04:25 p.m. | Goals

I had a huge year in 2013. But among the many things I did do, I did not stick to my goals I set last year. I practically did the opposite. I gained fat and might have lost muscle.

With my change in jobs, I think I have a fresh start at the opportunity of becoming more healthy.

  1. Get Regular Physical Activity

    Between a pull-up bar, the 7-minute workout, a spin bike, and a park just around the corner, I don't have any excuses for not being able to get some physical activity. I want to start small, but by July, I'd like to be getting 30 mins of exercise everyday.

  2. Eat Smaller Portions

    I've found that in the last year I am eating a lot more of my meals than I used to. I don't know how or why this started, but I think it's contributing to my lack of exercise, and I want to be more conscious of how much food I'm eating.

I've stayed motivated to work and have done well managing money, but I haven't done well with my body. These goals are designed to help bring balance to my life and hopefully give me more energy.

As always, here are some of my guesses for 2014.

  • A new home. Since I'll be working remotely, I don't need to be close to any particular place. We are free to move closer to Meg's place of work if necessary, or find another fun place to live.

  • A cleaner home. I've never been great at helping out with chores around the house, but since I'll be working from home, I predict that I will be able to help keep things clean and tidy.

  • Less travel. Between vacations and the wedding and travel with work, I went quite a few places last year. I'll still travel some, but not near as much as the past few years.

I'm not really sure where 2014 will take us. The past few years have had a clearer path. This year feels full of possibility, so my guesses may be wildly off. I'm looking forward to the surprise.

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