Learning to Code →
The Ugly is my favorite part of the piece about learning to code. Tim talks about the trouble encountered after you start learning. He described the full stack, which includes the app (Python, Django), the interface (javascript, jquery), the server (EC2, Cloudfront, Heroku), and the many places where issues can arise.
My favorite part is this:
I've also discovered that learning to code can have a big impact on your personality. Coding uses a lot of thinking patterns that I hadn't really used since my math and statistics classes in college, and even back then not in this intensity. As a result I've become more focused, more logical and smarter. But I've also become more detached from everyday life and less fun to hang out with.
Solving coding problems can be an endless puzzle, which is mostly a joy but sometimes a curse. I'm happy to have discovered it, as it challenges me daily.
– Via Hacker News
# | 09/05/2012 3:36 p.m.