How to hide an elephant...

07/05/2008 04:27 p.m. | Creative

Meg sent me a link to a How to hide an Elephant photochop contest. It reminded me of a story from a CP member interview. For an icebreaker, we asked someone to draw an elephant on the chalkboard and make it hidden. Also, it had to be a pink elephant (Cait's choice). So, the guy began drawing an elephant in blue chalk. Cait and I were looking at each other with very confused looks. Obviously, we were surprised to see blue chalk instead of the requested pink. After the blue elephant was drawn, he began to trace around parts of the blue elephant in pink. Then it hit us like a pound of bricks: he hid the pink elephant behind a blue elephant. Brilliant! I had never thought of something so smart and so simple at the same time. It was pure genius. Someday I will tell this story in a fancy business presentation and adapt it to whatever we are selling or implementing or whatever. But everyone else will be in awe, and it will be a total win for my side.

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