2017 Goals and Guesses

01/01/2017 07:38 p.m. | Goals

Last year was about stability. Everyone survived and thrived, and being a father is a tremendous amount of fun and responsibility.

We have another baby on the way, a little girl, so this year will need more stability to our home life. My goals for this year are similarly health-related:

  • Keep both kids healthy

    Ander is already starting to become adventurous as he tries to tip over chairs or jump off the couch. With a new child on the way, we’ll have more attention on her and less on Ander, so we need to make sure he stays safe all year. We’ve heard 2 kids is more than twice as hard as one, but we are still excited for the challenge.

  • More sleep

    Between some busy times at work and some early mornings with Ander, I did not sleep as much in 2016 as in past years. Whether its by better quality sleep, or just going to bed earlier, this year I want to improve my sleep.

  • More time with friends

    Even though I’m an introvert, I still enjoy hanging out with friends. Smaller groups are better for me, but it can be hard to plan things, and it seems like our weekends and free time fill up before we can really plan things out. I’m hoping in 2017 we can plan ahead more and get to spend more time with those we care about.

I didn’t run as much last year as I wanted, but I did play hockey for 3 seasons, which kept me somewhat active, and I added in basketball once a week which was fun. I had some luck walking while listening to a book, so maybe it’s finding something like that to do during a walk or run to help keep me moving.

I can make a strong guess that Meg and I will have our 2nd child this year, a girl due in early April. Meg has a librarian job now, but will take off from it in the spring after the baby is born, and we will have to see how that goes to find out what will happen in the fall.

I’ll also guess that NFL viewership will stay flat from 2016, owing it’s drop to some distraction from the election and from some backlash to Thursday/Monday/London games, over marketing (pink October), and CTE revelations. Football is still incredibly popular and lucrative as a source of entertainment, and while I think decades from now it will see a decline, I don’t expect that so soon.

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