2011 Goals and Guesses
01/01/2011 05:13 p.m. | Personal
I recapped 2010, and now here are the goals and guesses for the new year, 2011. Goals first.
Complete a Happiness Project
Meg turned me on to The Happiness Project a couple of months ago and I have been focused on planning one ever since (Meg is too). My main focus will be on 6 areas: Health, Financial, Social, Spiritual, Work, and Play. I will rotate an area of focus each month. January is health, and my goal is to work out for 30 minutes each day. More goals will come throughout the year, but my 2011 goal is to complete the project (and hopefully be happier). - Get back in shape
This morning I weighed about 174 lbs. While I think that number is too high, I'm not really concerned with it as much as I am with feeling good. I haven't felt this lazy or out of shape in all of my life, so 2011 will be about getting back into athletic shape. - Make more than I spend
This seems like common financial sense, but in 2010 it did not work out so well for me. The two options for this are either make more or spend less. I think I've got some flexibility on both sides, and if done right I think I can trim down my lifestyle and work harder to earn more responsibility and more compensation to match.
That's it for goals. The Happiness Project will bring in more along the way, and I will expand on it later. 2010 was a wonderful year, but like all things, I hope and expect for 2011 to be bigger and better.
In terms of guessing, I'm not really sure what will happen this year. I was leaning toward some things at the end of 2009 and 2008, so predictions were a little easier. I think 2011 will be mostly about strengthening and refining, and less about big change that I am such a fan of. Some other guesses:
- More success at work. I've been given a big challenge in the past 6 months, and am learning as fast as I can. I think I will put some of that experience in play in 2011 to create something people want to use.
- More cooking. I am taking some cooking classes in February, and hopefully will figure out my way around the kitchen a bit more.
- Less TV watching. This is kind of sad, because I really enjoy certain TV shows. But, many of my favorites are done (24, Lost) or dying (The Office, House) and I haven't found much to replace them with.
I can't wait to live out 2011.