Mission, Vision, and Values
My Mission is to change the lives of many
I have "Driven to Change the Lives of Many" tattooed on my body. So, this is something I am pretty serious about. I am a firm believer that Change is a very good thing, and that I can be someone who helps others to change. The Lives part addresses the length of the change that I want to make. And the Many part addresses the number of Lives. Overall, I am very satisfied with this mission, and it helps me to make decisions about interactions everyday.
My Vision is to make things people want to use
I'm not sure I can say this better, but I want to make things. Good things. Things that other people want. I'm not talking about selling widgets or designing websites, but in a larger sense of being a creator of quality things. Things I can be proud of for a while.My Values are as follows
- Value Quality over Quantity
- Value People over Things
- Value Time over most other resources
- Value Change over Stagnation
- Value Money over wasteful spending
- Value the Future over the Past
- Value a Real Person over an Online Persona
- Value Trying over Quitting
- Value Yes over No
Last Updated: 08/09/2013 08:39 a.m.