Mission, Vision, and Values

My Mission is to change the lives of many

I have "Driven to Change the Lives of Many" tattooed on my body. So, this is something I am pretty serious about. I am a firm believer that Change is a very good thing, and that I can be someone who helps others to change. The Lives part addresses the length of the change that I want to make. And the Many part addresses the number of Lives. Overall, I am very satisfied with this mission, and it helps me to make decisions about interactions everyday.

My Vision is to make things people want to use

I'm not sure I can say this better, but I want to make things. Good things. Things that other people want. I'm not talking about selling widgets or designing websites, but in a larger sense of being a creator of quality things. Things I can be proud of for a while.

My Values are as follows

  1. Value Quality over Quantity
  2. Value People over Things
  3. Value Time over most other resources
  4. Value Change over Stagnation
  5. Value Money over wasteful spending
  6. Value the Future over the Past
  7. Value a Real Person over an Online Persona
  8. Value Trying over Quitting
  9. Value Yes over No
That list may look crazy to you, because it sure looks crazy to me. These are as much goals as they are actual practices. I am horribly competitive and that tends to get in the way of many of these, but still, they are what I value. But, I can embrace hypocrisy and say "Yes, I suck at some of these, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in them". For a list of things I do day-to-day, I invite you to come shadow me and just watch, because I don't have the time to make that list.

Last Updated: 08/09/2013 08:39 a.m.