Importance of crappy poetry
Category: Creative
Published: 10/19/2006 08:46 p.m.
I know it sounds odd, but crappy poetry is important. That is, assuming you believe good poetry is important. Anything good is good because of comparison. Good poetry becomes more rare by the creation of bad poetry. Let's say that there are a thousand poems, and only one is good. Now let's say I write 200 crappy poems. Now there are 1200 poems, and only 1 is good. A good poem used to be 1 in 1000, now it is 1 in 1200. This seems obvious, however many people are unable to see it. After realizing this there are two other things that become obvious.
First, it stands to reason that if all good poems are this rare, that good poets write a lot of poetry. Think about this next time you try something and think you have failed. Realize that those who appear to succeed at the same thing most likely fail many many times. Second is in regards to blogging. If one blog is good, then great. But if it sucks, it is only making the good ones sweeter. By reading crap, you will earn a better appreciation for good things. Therefore, it doesn't matter if this short entry is worth anything on its own. In the sum of blog entries, it either increases it's own worth, or the collective worth of the "good" blogs.
In the end, the true win is in creation, or contribution. The more that is contributed, the better the good stuff is, and in addition, the more good stuff is available. So create. And if it sucks, then you are contributing to someone else, and making their stuff better.